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The London Author Fair will take place across three floors at The Hospital Club:
The Basement Studio: this is where our seminar programme will be held. Industry Experts, Bestselling Authors and Literary Agents - travelling from around the world to speak with you.
Full Programme Here
The Gallery on the First Floor: this is the main hub of The London Author Fair, where our collaborators will be hanging out ready to answer your questions. You can also network at the Blurb Author Cafe and pitch to a literary agent at the LitFactor PitchUp! This is also where our intimate workshops will take place, where you can join classes on editing, design, marketing, working with a literary agent and more.
The LitFactor PitchUp!
Workshop Programme Here
The First Floor: this is where lunch will be served from 12:50 to 13:30.
If you have any questions about the day's events, we will be more than happy to answer them. Please email us at
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